
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Lost Puppy

                                   The Lost Puppy 
                                                        Chapter one 
         One day there was  a puppy called Lilly, she was walking in the forest but she was let off her leash for the first time. She went to explore but she couldn't find her way home and she was scared. Lilly ran into a fox and the fox made her happier and she was going to go up to a wolf and the fox was following her without her knowing so she was sure the puppy was safe as the puppy walked up to the wolf the puppy was starting to feel  like  going up to a wolf by your self is not safe because they can be aggressive and attack you or if it is hungry it will eat you but it was to late she was right in front of the wolf the wolf was not aggressive or hungry it was very nice and the fox was coming up the wolf growled at her the fox insisted that she was nice and just wanted to be her friend the wolf what skeptical but she was good with it because she wanted to be different to all the other wolf in her pack and she had wanted a friend like know other wolf be for so she can be different and just because she felt like it

                                        Chapter Two 
         Now they are all together they started to look for the puppy's owner the wolf went with the puppy because she would get lost but with the wolf will find the fox with it's excellent smell and take the puppy with her the puppy was  thinking what is her name so the puppy asked the wolf what her name was the wolf name was Izzy the puppy was jealous that she had a amazing name the puppy was following the wolf but she was grabbed so she Yelp and the wolf turned around and sow a wolf with the puppy so the wolf was friendly at fist but wen the wolf said she had to have the wolf got into a fight but the puppy sow the fox and went over to her and the puppy asked for help the fox was confused but she sow what was happening she understood why she was asking for help the fox stopped the fight and said that the puppy ran away but she was in the bushes but there was a hole and the puppy paw got stuck in it she was going to call for help but she thought that the other wolf   might hear the puppy might hear the puppy the will came the puppy said to her self.                                          

                         Chapter Three  
          Now the fox went with the wolf and puppy to make sure that the wolf didn't let other animals get the puppy and the wolf just talking to the wolf or a other animal or something else. The puppy was scared because she was all most KID NAPPED so the puppy wanted to stay close to them be cause you know she all most got kid napped and she did not want that to happen again because she was so scared she didn't want to move but she was to scared for them to leave because she didn't want to get kid napped this time because last time the fox saved her but a few minute later the puppy had forgotten all abate it so she was fine but they had to stop because the fox was hungry so the wolf went to hunt she found a deer so the the puppy and the fox hid behind the willow trees 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Rollercoaster Ride

wheels started turning as the carriage started moving along the tracks. I was waiting for the roller coaster to go down the tracks. When I went down I was scared. When I went down I had butterflies in my stomach.I felt like I was going to fall off the edge. I felt like I was going to vomit but I didn't.