
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

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Monday, November 8, 2021

Madame Razz




An old lady known as Madame Razz. she was not your normal old lady no no no, she lived in the rainforest and everyone thought she just had imaginary friends but they were not imaginary they were magic they were myths not just because they thought there in her head they were magic...

                                Chapter 1

Miss Razz lived in a little shack in the woods and she was friends with some people that were underestimated. They didn't like Razz but she didn't care she would make them cakes pies and take them berry hunting yet it was never good enough she found most of them in the hive she didnt care she loved them  but was never respected.

Razz grew sick of this behavior and in the middle of the she took all of them and put them in the middle of the forest apart from a little girl who she saw big potential in so she named her Adora.

As Adora grew older she found out Razz was Immortal and had been around for 100s of years. Adora was a mind reader so she knew what she thought and knew that she's loved. Adora soon found out what Razz did to her siblings, But she woke up one day and Razz had disappeared.

Adora was always so independent and Razz went berry picking often so she thought she was out because Razz wanted to make a pie that day when it got dark she relisted that Razz wasn't coming back so she packed her and set off looking for her.  

She had been walking for days on end, she saw smoke hoping it was camp fire smoke she got closer she saw that it was not campfire. It was polshin frantically, she ran around it and she knew that had to wear the queen. When she found the palace she ran up quickly the guards stopped her she panted i need to see the queen she guards took her to the queen, she knelt down and said i have in the evil hive polluting, the the woods, i felt like you should know, thank you i will send troops to see what they are doing you will be leading them said the queen Glimmer yes Mum we have spotting of the hive. Glimmer came running out. This is Glimmer my daughter, hi im Adora nice to meet you, hi nice to meet you too. 

Gimmer, Adora has spotted the hve Adora is going to lead, you will be second in command don't  run mindlessly into battle fine, now Adora have any ideas yes, yes i do go on so if we are going to have the advantie sneak attack so if we get to mane sorse without being seen we can get- Ahh omg is she ok Glimmer do something, umm i don't know what to do i have not seen  anything like this adora will you fight for the owner of gray skull with the sword y-yes adora adora a muffled voice w-what happened? you passed out i need to find- the - the sword, what sword calm down Glimmer said The queen, sorry mum but i need to know the whole story they sit down and she explains everything she saw.

Um what if was just you heard it in the woods i grew up in y-you mean the whispering woods that place has sooo many hive soldiers in it. I need to find a way around the hive ok i can i still take the team you talked about because i think they have razz, who is  razz oh she is the person who raised me she is like my mum okay then we will send the team just don't do any unnecessary fighting okay mum Glimmer said yawning  you won't go sorry mum alright you can stay in the guest room tonight we leave tomorrow morning okay thank you.  


                                        Chapter 2

The next morning adora woke up last and got some breakfast was eating toast glimmer made adora some toast thanks said adora no problem Glimmer do you ever get nervous before you go out to the woods of course   i just focus on the mishon the last time i let my emotions get the best of me we lost a city said glimmer oh that's sad yea that was 2 months ago so i have gotten over it by now. Okay we are here  adoras heart felt like it was in her stomach  she was so nervous she followed  Glimmer's lead adora got separated from the group so she went to look for the sword she was walking for awhile and realised she was lost in the middle of the woods. She started to panic then she heard Razz's voice she ran over to see she was getting yelled at by a hive soldier she gasped and he turned around “whos there” she held her breath then he went to hit her and she pounded pinning him down razz ran away from her Razz RAZZ *ahh did she get hit on the head- wait OH I'M GONNA GET THEM BACK FOR THIS*  she walked right back over to the soldier and yelled WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER he smirked nothing YES YOU DID she screamedFIX HER she yelled and what if i don’t he said calmly witch made her more angry I WILL TAKE YOU TO THE QUEEN And what will she do to me he asked looking concerned SHE WILL LOCK YOU UP FOR EVER  and i'll make sure of it an ill get Razz back after you fix her.The soldier smiled what if you don't get me to the queen Adora she paused h- how do you know my name because i'm your brother a moment later when she was still in shock he had pinned her down then he ran as fast as possible away and yelled I'm not your brother WHAT she yelled as loud as possible SORRY I HAD TO GET AWAY SOME H- his voice

Monday, September 27, 2021


               Today we made the earth out of marshmellow,m&m and chocolate. The m&m was supposed to represent the inner and outer core.The marshmellow acted like the mantele then i had to cover it in melted chocolate which represents the crust. I stood outside so it would dry faster.

Friday, September 10, 2021


Im flying around then every thing goes black with a little light im i dead i stop flying and get sad SPLAT! i gess im not dead. 

  me  him

when me and my brother have a fight 


my brother makeing fun of me 

my mum comes in

acts all sweet 

me coming back to school after lockdown 

animal bird

me when my mums says im going to school tomorrow 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Moon landing

 Houston come in. Houston come in. This is Apollo 11. We have touched down on the surface of the moon. Over.”

“Apollo 11, this is Houston. You are clear to begin your mission. Over.”

Gazing around in a state of awe and wonder, the astronaut stood and admired what he saw. Outer space was a thing of pure beauty: a never-ending chasm of blackness, illuminated by stars that sparkled like beautiful diamonds.

He took a few steps forward, smiling at the joy of the feeling of weightlessness that never ceased to amaze him. Happy that his oxygen levels were high and his friends were close by, the astronaut set about his mission.

All seemed to be going well, but then the warning alarm on the ship sounded…

“Houston. Houston come in! Houston, we have a problem…”

"what is it" 

"are engine isn't working and 2 people have gone missing"


"we don't know we can't register anyone"

he looks around 

"there is no one"

"what? there must be someone" 

"no one"

"they have got to the space craft"

"how do you know"

"I don't there oxygen has stop going down"

"what if they are not alive''

''we can sensor the heartbeat''

"How "

"we have a monitoring pad in your space suits"


"so they are still alive" 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Temperature, Capacity and Weight

 For Math we have being learning about all temperature, Capacity and Weight and Nigel made a slide were we uploaded pictures of the size of the type of measurement that it showed on the slide.


Friday, July 9, 2021

Argument about the Europeans coming to New Zealand

Argument about the Europeans coming to New Zealand 


The Europeans brought the flu and the Polynesians could

catch it also the Europeans brought wars over land.

The Europeans brought plants that in New Zealand are weeds and

brought animals That are pests in New Zealand. 

They brought farm animals that made them chop down

forests and plants to make farmland. They killed 90% of the wetlands.

The Polynesians were only allowed to talk in English 


The Europeans brought food that the Polynesians could eat. 

The Europeans taught the Polynesians to read and write. 

The Europeans brought equipment that the Polynesians could

use to build their houses. 

The Europeans brought fruit and vegetable plants with beautiful flowers.

They brought farm animals for more food and the animals would make eggs

and milk.